Control Engineer, Robotics



London, UK
Posted on Thursday, March 28, 2024

Who we are

We’re building artificial intelligence capable of complex driving using end-to-end deep learning; one which can scale across diverse urban environments. Wayve is building a full driving software system which is data-driven at every layer, learning to drive. Our unique end-to-end machine learning approach learns to drive in complex, never-seen-before urban environments. We learn to drive with computer vision by both observing human driving, and by using reinforcement learning.

This is one of the world’s hardest and most impactful problems to solve. Which is why we’re building a diverse, world-class team of people who are motivated by the opportunity to work with brilliant people on challenging problems that leave a positive impact on society.

Impact expected

  • Improve Wayve's trajectory controller and its interaction with other parts of the AV stack, thus increasing overall driving performance.
  • Expand the trajectory controller's operational domain to new vehicles and new driving conditions.
  • Build out our performance evaluation pipeline for the trajectory controller.

Challenges they will own

  • Maintaining and expanding our custom MPC-based trajectory controller coupled with ML-based trajectory generation system.
  • Building theoretical foundations for ML-coupled vehicle control systems.
  • Implementing and testing vehicle control in complex scenarios such as highway or bad weather, and for future vehicle platforms that Wayve will build on.
  • Bringing up simulation and evaluation systems to achieve optimality of the trajectory controller in the real world.

What we are looking for in our candidate


  • Strong theoretical knowledge of control theory, optimisation, model-predictive control, state estimation and numerical methods.
  • Practical experience in developing and tuning control systems for real world applications, both in simulation and in reality.
  • Experience productionising and scaling systems including real-time controllers and monitoring their performance at scale.
  • Strong C++ and Python.


  • Experience with vehicle control or vehicle dynamics.

What we offer you

  • Competitive compensation with salary and equity

  • Immersion in a team of world-class researchers, engineers and entrepreneurs

  • A position to shape the future of autonomous driving and to tackle the biggest challenges of our time

  • Benefits such as an onsite chef, workplace nursery scheme, private health insurance, therapy, daily yoga, onsite bar, large social budgets, unlimited L&D requests, enhanced parental leave, and more!

  • This is a full-time role based in our office in King’s Cross. If your role is possible to do remotely we support flexible working, including working for up to 2 weeks from anywhere in the world. We trust you to know what works best for your team and projects and ask that you have a healthy presence that enables the right meetings to happen in person and strong relationships to be built.

Wayve is built on people and their differences gives us strength. We are proud to be an equal opportunities workplace and encourage people from all walks of life to join our journey, growing and expanding with us. We don't just embrace diversity, we encourage it.